Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Trust in Him: Homily for Tuesday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

 The first reading today offers us very sage advice – do not commit idolatry.  Now, we all know this, since our childhood, since this advice, no this caution, is contained in the very first commandment, “I am the Lord your God, you shall have no other God before me.”

And yet, obeying this command is not so simple, since it is so easy to set up altars before other Gods, even when we repudiate idols made of stone and silver – the work of human hands, as the psalm today sings. My dear sisters, the devil is very clever, even when we destroy these graven images, as our ancestors did when we embraced the True Faith, he provides other temptations before which we can set up altars. All too often, we swear our allegiance to Christ, but worship at the altar or family, money, fame, or pleasure.

How do we know we are worshiping at the altar of a false God? It is fairly easy to answer this question if we can be honest with ourselves – we have to ask ourselves, whom do we trust in? Do we trust that our money, our family, our fame, or whatever else will get us out of situations we do not like? Or do we trust that no matter how unpleasant our situation, it is the will of God, and He will take care of us, whether here, or in the hereafter. Indeed, we have no other choice, because the false gods, will get us nowhere.

Sisters, I have to share with you that I am going through a particularly difficult time and I know how difficult it is to trust in God. And yet, even when I am desperately looking for an out of the mess I am, from time to time, I make little acts of confidence, asking for the grace of trust in our God.

Pray for me, as I will pray for you, that we place all our trust in Him. Let us say, therefore together, Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.

(A version of this homily was first preached on 9 July 2024 to the community at the Convent of St. John of God, Old Goa.

Featured Image: 'Christ Rescuing Peter from Drowning', Lorenzo Veneziano, 1370, Staatliche Museen, Berlin.)



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