Saturday, August 17, 2024

Food of Wisdom: Homily for the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My dear brothers and sisters, all four readings today have at least one things in common and that is that they all speak of food. In the first reading, from the book of Proverbs, we hear of Wisdom laying a table for a feast and inviting people – especially the simple – to come and eat. In the psalm we sang of tasting and seeing the goodness of the Lord. Writing to the Ephesians, St. Paul asks us to be careful about getting drunk, and eating too much, and finally, in the gospel Our Lord speaks to us about His Body being the bread of heaven, that His body is true food, and his blood true drink.

There is another commonality which is not so obvious, because it is clearly visible in two readings, and not so clear in the other two. This second commonality is about being wise. In the first reading Wisdom invites all, especially the simple, to eat her food so as to

           Forsake foolishness that you may live; advance in the way of understanding.

In the second reading St.Paul, once again urges the Ephesians to not be foolish and immersed in debauchery, but to be wise, making the most of opportunity, to be careful of the spirit of the time, which is evil, and to always:

be filled with the Spirit,

addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,

singing and playing to the Lord in your hearts,

giving thanks always and for everything

in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father.

How do these two themes come together? They come together first, in the fact that Wisdom is in fact our Lord Jesus Christ. He is Wisdom incarnate. He is Truth, and He is Wisdom. Listen to Him if you do not want to be foolish, if you want to be wise. Where do you find His voice? In the psalms, hymns, spiritual songs, in the scripture, in the teaching of our Holy Mother, the Church.

These two themes also come together because Wisdom have prepared a banquet of Himself. He offers Himself as true food and true drink. Eat and drink me, He says, and I will become a part of you and you will become Wise, that is, you will become a part of Him.

And this is all I have to say, my dear brothers and sisters. Instead of spending time on your computer or cellphone, or in front of the TV, go and find your friends and play real games! Run, jump and play. Read stories from the bible and stories about the lives of the saints, learn to say small prayers. Go to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and spend time quietly with him, 15 minutes, half an hour. And above all, go to mass as often as possible, and receive communion regularly. If we do this, then we will participate in the life of God, and like God whose life is of justice and peace, will become messengers of justice and peace in this world.

May God Bless you All.

(A version of this homily was first preached at the Catechism Mass at the parish of Our Lady of the Rosary, Fatorda.

Image credit: 'Ăšltima Cena,' Juan de Juanes, 1562, Museo del Prado, Madrid, via Wikimedia. )

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