What are our options if this is
the bleak scenario that faces us in the upcoming elections? There are a couple
of solutions that I have to offer. These solutions rest on the argument that we
abandon the idea that the next elections are going to bring about a sea-change
in Goan politics. Despite the tall claims that are being made by all and
sundry, there is going to be no utopia following the elections. Such claims
fail to recognize the complexity of the electorate and the electoral system.
Indeed, I would argue that some of these utopian claims are based on a fundamental disrespect of the electorate and the way in which the marginalized use their vote. Further, some of challengers of the dominant parties fail to
recognize that many of the problems we face are not the result of bad people in
politics, but a problematic system that is in place. As such, unless one
recognizes that it is the system which is the problem, even a good, honest,
person usually becomes part of the same old system or is rendered helpless.
The problems as I see them are
the following, first, there is a need to ensure that the BJP does not return to
power. The second, is that we need to begin restricting the way in which
electoral politics in Goa works. We cannot merely do good within the existent
system, the entire system itself has to be overhauled. We are thus faced with one
immediate agenda, and another more long-term agenda.

To begin with even if a single
party currently opposed to the BJP-Congress were to be able to win all forty
seats, this would be bad for democracy. First, a ruling party with no
opposition is a bad idea. This idea has already been articulated by Amita
Kanekar in a
recent op-ed, where she argued that “given the limited choices, what we
should aim for is simply a weak government.” Her reasoning, with which I
concur, is that even though we are constantly urged to vote for a strong
government, such governments invariably ignore criticism and overrule normal
procedures. Rather than a strong government therefore “ A weak government, i.e.
a minority or coalition government, would serve better, with more assembly
discussions and cabinet meetings, rather than dictatorial orders, and where
everybody might be too concerned about their survival to do much damage.”

The politics of purity, whether
ideological or otherwise, is a dangerous politics because it presumes a
monopoly on the truth, and an almost divine power to realize it. The strategy
of alliances would allow a diverse group of voices to get into the legislature.
It would open the possibility for a legislative politics that is about debate
and mutual respect. This would engender real political change in Goa. Democratic
politics is the politics of compromise. One makes priorities, sees what one can
suffer, what one cannot, communicates this to one’s partner/s, and then works
towards maintaining the alliance, and hopefully influencing the other. When one
realizes that the alliance is not working, one can pull out. As Kanekar has
pointed out, it is an alliance-based weak government that we should aim for in
the upcoming elections, even as our sights are trained for 2022.
(This post has been profoundly influenced by the theology of Pope Benedict XVI as contained in his encyclical Spe Salvi. I would encourage readers to engage with this text.
A version of this post was first published in the O Heraldo dated 24 June 2016)
A version of this post was first published in the O Heraldo dated 24 June 2016)
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