As the Non-Motorized Zone
(NoMoZo) initiative progresses toward its third installment, there are two
broad cautions that is appears we need to keep in mind. The first is that
without the leaders of this initiative indicating quite clearly the direction
they intend to take, and the larger principles that animate the initiative,
NoMoZo could well turn into just another feel-good event organized at regular
intervals. There is no doubt a larger intellectual framework for the project
and it would be worthwhile to share this with the larger public, both those who
turn up with such enthusiasm for NoMoZo, as well as those who do not. This act
of sharing would impart to NoMoZo, which already brims over with popular
energy, a democratic element, in so far as democracy ideally involves an
element of information and consciousness. Without these two elements, an
initiative, no matter how popular, would remain merely populist.

The second caution that we would
need to address, and one that this column will spend some time on, is that of
the response that a good amount of persons involved in the exercise seem to
toward the perceived goals of the project. Where the goals are being
demonstrated to be to reduce the amount of traffic on the roads of Panjim, the
solutions being offered by these enthused members of the citizenry are largely
technological fixes. Thus, the solution to the
swarm of traffic that currently clog Panjim’s roads are held to be the
banning of vehicles into the centre of Panjim, the introduction of trams and
bus routes, the adoption of cycles; and to resolve the parking crisis, the
creation of multistoried parking

This column will suggest that
while technological fixes are necessary, they can only be a part of the
solution, and perhaps in the final analysis a rather small part of the
solution. Any comprehensive solution, we would argue, must necessarily take the
social into consideration. We mean a number of things when we say ‘the social’.
First, that there is not only the need for a change in social attitudes, but we
need to ground our efforts and suggestions in the NoMoZo in an empathetic view
of the society we live in.

An empathetic view of our society
would commence with the idea that recognizes that our society is extremely
status conscious, and that vehicles, both two-wheelers and four, are marks of
having arrived socially. They are indicators of our social and consumptive
power. Having recognized this, we could make a distinction between people who
have held power for a substantial amount of time, and now spend money in
purchasing either one (or more) vehicles (for each member of their family), and
those that have spent blood and tears and have put together enough money to
purchase their first motorcycle or first car. It would be quite alright for us
to suggest to the first category, that enough is enough, they might as well
start using cycles and public transport; while on the other hand, to tell
(either directly or indirectly) those who have only just got their first
vehicle, that their desire is bad and that they need to move to cycles and
public transport, especially given the state of public transport in Goa today,
would be positively cruel. As was argued in an earlier column, even while we
attempt to reduce the number of vehicles on our streets, NoMoZo, would have to
effectively recognize that the purchase of vehicles is fueling a social need of
the claiming of respect, and this is something that we will have to live with.

A second way in which we have to
ground our dreams for NoMoZo, is to recognize that Panjim enjoys a certain
relationship with the peri-urban spaces around it. A vast majority of the
people that use Panjim as an urban centre do not in fact live in Panjim, or
even around Panjim, but often at great distances away from Panjim. It is going
to be practically impossible to tell them to use cycles in Panjim, even if one
makes provisions for the public transport system leading into Panjim to be
fitted with cycle carriers. There is simply no way in which we can enable so
many people to use public transport to transport their cycles into Panjim. In
such a case, we need to recognize that alongside the creation of reliable
public transport within the city of Panjim, we need to also create a system of
reliable state-wide public transport that allows people to travel between Panjim
and their homes and back with the greatest of ease possible.

The Chief Minister Manohar
Parrikar seems to have got this little detail right. In a recent interview he
indicated that unless the manner in which the bus-system operated was changed,
how could he expect people to give up their air-conditioned vehicles and travel
by public transport? Mr. Parrikar, may also have been the force behind the
brilliant innovations of the Kadamba Transport Corporation (KTC) some years
ago; in particular the shuttle services between the main cities in Goa. For
those who wanted to abandon their vehicles at home and travel by public
transport (even if not air-conditioned) this was a dream come true. As with all
things however, the system slipped after its initial enthusiasm, becoming
extremely unreliable. The questions that NoMoZo should ideally start
encouraging the public to pose is this, can this system be pulled back to its
former ‘glory’? Can this system be replicated by creating hubs in larger
villages from where one can catch similar shuttles into the major cities in
Goa? Thus, for example, could we take a shuttle from Aldona to Panjim or
Mapusa, instead of having to travel to Mapusa and then taking the shuttle to
Panjim? More importantly, does this system necessarily have to be led by the
KTC, or can we ensure that the private bus operators are able to fulfill this
function effectively? Mr. Parrikar may in fact be the right person to set this
process in order, given not only his much-lauded desire for instituting
discipline, as well as his sympathy for some form of privatization. It is when
we take an empathetic view of our society, that we would believe that it is
possible, under the right combination of incentive and punishment, to get the
existing entrepreneurs to work in the larger public interest. Our general
attitude would invariably be to dismiss these entrepreneurs as irresponsible
and uninterested in the public good. If NoMoZo is about giving our cities
another chance, it should also encompass giving our people a second chance.

An empathetic view of society
would understand that making NoMoZo a reality is not simply about asking people
to take pledges to give up something, nor about offering technological fixes for our problems. It is about recognizing that NoMoZo is
really a popularly led policy initiative, and like all policy initiatives,
needs to be based on a comprehensive understanding of the society it is seeking
to benefit. Understand the needs of the society, the constraints that force
people to act in particular manners, and one will not need people to see the
changes as sacrifices. On the contrary, they will automatically embrace the
proposed changes.
With luck to NoMoZo’s third installment, scheduled for Sunday, the fifteenth of
July on 18 June Road.
(A version of this post first appeared in print in the Gomantak Times dtd 11 July 2012)
1 comment:
Absolutely agree with the sentiment. I'm afraid the NoMoZo effort (no personal offense meant to those involved and many are my personal friends) is getting reduced to a 'fortnightly picnic' and is on its way to end up like the previous sanjit rodrigues brainwaves -- Panjim Chak-a-Chak and Together for Panjim.
How about NoMoZo on a working day??
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